Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Billy Collin's "Morning" spoke to me, because I could relate to much of what he said, although I mostly feel this way about the night time. At night is when I am "buzzing on espresso," reading, or listening to slow music on the radio. During the summer I usually stay up until 6 in the morning, and watch the sky turn from black, to purple to red, to blue, and it is my favorite time of the day. My sister and I drive in the early morning, listening to Nick Drake, or something that captures my emotions, and we just park the car, and watch the sun rise, when it feels like everyone else is vacant from the world, but will soon be joining us once the sun is risen. I feel that the other parts of the day cannot possibly match this particular part, and therefore understand Collin's feelings toward the morning completely. Although his views seem to be linked with production and time by himself, mine is linked more closely to a feeling of nostalgia and peace.

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